
“Complete Capital” Works for LCG

Feb 17, 2015

At Neighborhood Allies, we strive to be a sound and inspiring funder AND partner–an ALLY. We know that if we expect to see real impact and lives being changed for the better as a result of our investments and work, than we need to do much more than just provide a grant. Our Complete Capital Model, is the vehicle that we use as the investment framework to enable us to be that inspiring ALLY. 

Last year, we posted an article showcasing how our Complete Capital complete capital graphic_4Model works, using Larimer and the Larimer Consensus Group (LCG) as our example.  [You can read that article here!]

This approach has worked particularly well in Larimer–we have worked alongside the LCG, as allies, from the very beginning, to support and nurture their efforts in any way that we can to ensure they are set up to succeed. Last week, the LCG hit a major milestone, as they received their 501c3 exemption from the IRS–a necessary step toward growing into the sustainable and trusted community asset that is needed in their community.

Congratulations to the LCG on achieving this milestone. We look forward to continuing our work with you as you implement and activate the goals of the Larimer Vision Plan and advocate and represent the residents of your neighborhood!

I appreciate the partnership with Neighborhood Allies to help us build capacity and hire our first employee, which has been an aggressive movement toward gaining our mobility and achieving our goals.

-Donna Jackson, LCG

Top Header Image Photo Credit: Prototyping Larimer Stories by artist John Peña, photo by OPA